Biofeedback Therapy
Assess your level of Anxiety and learn tools to manage it.
For Free.
Have you tried therapy options to treat anxiety or For stress management that did not work for you?
time to try
Retrain your brain with Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback (also referred to as EEG biofeedback) is a non-invasive, neuroscientifically informed approach that uses EEG technology to help the client rewire their brain. It is a unique service that treats the client according to their brain functioning to help them transform unhealthy brainwave patterns to healthy ones to reduce unwanted mental health symptoms and learn how to better self-regulate.
Neurofeedback training sessions record the moment to moment brainwave patterns and utilizes a multimedia reward system to inform the client when they are producing the desired brainwaves. With consistent training, the brain begins to rewire itself to adapt to the changes happening through the feedback. Overtime, the client learns how to self-regulate their emotions, thoughts, and behavior with greater ease.
train at home
You have a busy schedule. We get it.
Remote options brings Neurofeedback into your home. You can train according to your schedule.
Bi-weekly sessions to review and discuss your progress is also conducted via telehealth.
*The initial qEEG brain map must be done in person.
Your brainwaves are recorded using a 19 channel electrode cap.
Treatment plan
The clinician reviews the results, makes interpretations, and creates a Neurofeedback training protocol based on your qEEG. You will be sent home with the remote training equipment to begin training from home.
Weekly Neurofeedback training will help you produce targeted brainwaves. You will meet with your clinician bi-weekly or as needed to check in on progress.
Last session*
Another brain map will be recorded and your progress will be reviewed. Post-treatment recommendations will be made. Welcome to the new you!
*Additional sessions may be recommended, contingent upon your progress.
*Neurofeedback results will vary.
Our office uses the New Mind amplifier and New Mind Maps for Brain Maps (qEEG) and Neurofeedback training.